
Business People, Monica Martinez joins Advocate Health Advisors

Advocate Health Advisors has named Monica Martinez project manager, a role that will help the company better serve Medicare recipients making choices about their health care.

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If a job in sales peeks your interest, Advocate Health Advisors has positions to fill for qualified candidates across the DFW area.

Now Hiring: Advocate Health Advisors Looking For Qualified Candidates In DFW Area

Brandon Herndon, the Regional Sales Manager for the company’s Texas operations said, “We are an independent brokerage company in the insurance space that focuses on people that are 64 and older.”

Advocate Health Advisors has named Max Griendling as digital marketing specialist.

Advocate Health Advisors has named Max Griendling as digital marketing specialist, a role that will help the company expand its digital platforms and better serve its agents and Medicare enrollees.

Max Griendling joins Advocate Health Advisors marketing team

Advocate Health Advisors has named Max Griendling digital marketing specialist, a role that will help the company expand its digital platforms and better serve agents and Medicare enrollees.

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