Area companies seek to hire laid off, furloughed people.
Englewood-based Advocate Health Advisors, specializes in health insurance consulting for Medicare enrollees and people turning 65.
Naples companies seek to hire laid off, furloughed people.
A pair of health care related organizations in the region are among the latest companies — joining Publix, Target and other retailers — seeking to hire workers who have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Telemedicine could prevent the spread of COVID-19 and help keep seniors safe at home
Last week, Medicare said it will immediately expand coverage for telemedicine nationwide to help seniors with health problems stay home and avoid Coronavirus
New Hires and Promotions on Long Island
Advocate Health Advisors has named Quintero as Regional Manager, Downstate New York.
Coronavirus: 5 Ways Community Members Can Help Older Adults
The coronavirus can infect anyone, but older adults (60 and up) and those with underlying health conditions are at highest risk for serious complications and death.