Medicare Supplements

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Medicare Supplement Plan Comparison

There are several choices for Medigap plans, which include Plans A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, and N. Medicare Supplement plans help to cover out-of-pocket costs from Part A and B. Below is a comparison of the ten Medicare Supplement plans.

Basic Coverage
Plan A and B

These plans provide the most basic coverage compared to the other Medicare Supplement plans. However, with that said, they can still be beneficial to those who are in need of basic coverage. Plan A covers the cost of Part A coinsurance, hospice care coinsurance, and hospital costs. Medicare Supplement Plan A also covers the coinsurance, copayments, and the first three pints of blood for a blood transfusion under Medicare Part B.

Medicare Supplement Plan B covers the same benefits Medicare Supplement Plan A covers, as well as the deductible for Medicare Part A.

Comprehensive Coverage
Plans C and F

Medigap Plan C covers all the out-of-pocket costs from Medicare Part A and Part B. This Supplement plan also covers 80% of the charges for foreign travel emergencies. However, Plan C does not cover the excess charges for Medicare Part B. However, despite not covering excess charges, it is one of two plans that covers the Part B deductible, still making it a good option.

Compared to all other Supplement plans, Medicare Supplement Plan F is the most comprehensive plan. It is also one of the most popular Medigap plans as it covers all of the remaining out-of-pocket costs from Part A and Part B, including 80% of foreign travel emergency expenses. Also, Plan F is the other plan option that covers the deductible for Medicare Part B.

Even though Plans C and F sound like great options to those looking for comprehensive coverage, these two plans aren’t available to everyone. Those who became eligible for Medicare on or after January 1, 2020, are not eligible for Plans C and F. However, there are other alternatives if you do not qualify for these plans.

Plans G and N

After Plan F, Plan G is considered the second most comprehensive plan. While it does not cover the Part B deductible, it does cover everything else that is covered under Plan F, including Part B excess charges.

Plan N also provides comprehensive coverage. However, it does not cover the Part B deductible or its excess charges. However, it still is a popular option for those who do not qualify for Plans C and F.

Plan D

Plan D is actually quite similar to Plan C. It provides almost the same coverage, but unlike Plan C, it does not cover the Part B deductible. However, just like Plan C, it does not cover Part B excess charges.

Other Plans
There are a few cost-sharing supplement options available as well, which includes Plans K, L, and M. Here’s what they each cover:
Plan K
  • Part A coinsurance and hospital costs
  • Part B coinsurance and hospital costs (only up to 50%)
  • First three pints of blood used in transfusions (only up to 50%)
  • Part A hospice care coinsurance and copayment (only up to 50%)
  • Skilled nursing care facility coinsurance (only up to 50%)
  • Part A deductible (only up to 50%)
Plan L
  • Part A coinsurance and hospital costs
  • Part B coinsurance and hospital costs (only up to 75%)
  • First three pints of blood used in transfusions (only up to 75%)
  • Part A hospice care coinsurance and copayment (only up to 75%)
  • Skilled nursing care facility coinsurance (only up to 75%)
  • Part A deductible (only up to 75%)

Plans K and L also have an out-of-pocket limit. For Plan K, the limit is $6,220, and for Plan L, it is $3,110 (as of 2021). Once you meet this limit and the Part B deductible of $203, your Medicare Supplement plan will cover 100% of covered services for the remainder of the calendar year.

On the other hand, Plan M does not have an out-of-pocket limit and does not have much cost-sharing involved. Here’s what it covers:

  • Part A coinsurance and hospital costs
  • Part B coinsurance and hospital costs
  • First three pints of blood used in transfusions
  • Part A hospice care coinsurance and copayment
  • Skilled nursing care facility coinsurance
  • Part A deductible (only up to 50%)
  • Foreign travel emergency care (only up to 80%)

For more information and help with understanding and comparing your Medicare Supplement options, contact us at (800) 709-5513. Our agents are available and ready to help you find a plan that works for you.

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